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The Vision of the Wagon Wheel
Step By Step Community for Special Needs - Ghana

The Hub of our Worldwide Community

"The Spokes Are Beacons of His Glorious Light!"
In 2014 before our first child ever came home, I often thought to myself, " If we are only in Ghana, how would the Lord fulfill our name to become worldwide, and what steps would He take?"
It was during a time of prayer, when God revealed a glimpse of His plan, in a vision of a wagon wheel.
This is how the Lord described the vision:
The HUB of the wheel is our Community for Special Needs. This would be our International Headquarters, and the launching point of everything that follows. Once the community has been established, the SPOKES in the wheel, as beacons of His glorious light, represent every direction His love would send us, plant us, and settle us. The OUTER RIM of the wheel represents the world.
God will not only fulfill His plan for His beloved and special children, but He will do so "Worldwide," expressing His unfathomable love in truth and faithfulness.
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
Numbers 23:19
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